University Transions

Making finance easier for rocket scientists.

TIAA-CREF, the sole provider of retirement services for Caltech and JPL was asked to provide a custom financial education program for faculty and staff, so they could take a more active role in their retirement planning. It was a worthwhile idea, but educational seminars typically got a low turnout. The challenge was to change that with a comprehensive program of online, offline and in-person communications and events.

Introducing Science of Benefits.

This program name, and graphic style based on the periodic table, was created by CoreBrand – the TIAA-CREF branding agency – specifically for Caltech. o2kl took it from there and within a month we started rolling out all the communications needed for this year long program including: email and mail invitations, PowerPoint presentations, workbooks, intranet pages, campus signage, plus an introductory print ad.