Remember when people had savings?

Not so long ago, Citi Smith Barney looked to generate a high volume of qualified leads among affluent investors. Their awareness advertising wasn’t working hard enough. They wanted to generate better and more immediate results. A natural opportunity for a little DR.

We made people question how well thought out their current financial planning and future were and positioned CSB as the company to rely on now and as life conditions changed. Our lure was free timely, proprietary investment information. Our emotional hook was making responders feel they were taking greater control over their financial destiny.

What began as a modest, small-space print effort (10% of CSB’s overall budget) grew into a fully integrated DR program (45% of their budget) and included newspaper and magazine ads, :60 television, and radio. Print reduced costs-per-lead by over 400%. DRTV achieved a costs-per-lead 38% below the target; radio, 56% below the target.