A state-of-the-art secret

Discreetly hidden under Johnson&Johnson’s iGLIDE Manual Assist Wheelchair was an advanced power source that provided a special on-demand boost. To the world, iGLIDE simply appeared to be a sleek new manual wheelchair. And that’s just what users, who didn’t want to be seen in a power chair, wanted the world to think it. What a product to launch.

We positioned iGLIDE not as a wheelchair, but a whole new personal form of transportation. We even had it shot by a car photographer. The work was an upbeat celebration of movement—a rallying cry that turned disability into possibility. I had the pleasure of art directing the print, collateral and direct mail.

Results were too good. Demand so outreached supply, the print was stopped and DRTV never ran—after we’d convinced the client to find incremental monies to produce it.